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2015. augusztus 10. - 17:48

Basel Head 2015 – Sváj legnagyobb nyolcas versenye

 Hatodik alkalommal rendezik meg a Basel Head nevű nyolcas versenyt Svájcban, November 14-én. 
A versenyen fődíja egy Filippi nyolcas, amit 3 egymás utáni évben megrendezett verseny alatt (2013-2015) a legtöbb pontot szerző klub nyerhet meg. 
A verseny hossza 6,4 km, félúton egy teljes fordulóval. A szervezők 10.000 nézőt várnak a Rajna partjára. 
A versenyen limitált számú egység indulhat, maximum 100 nyolcassal, ezért érdemes minél hamarabb benevezni. A nevezés után a név szerinti adatok beküldésének határideje Október 23.

Bővebb információt a következő oldalon találhattok:
Angol nyelvű meghívó levél:
Welcome to BaselHead 2015


Dear friends of BaselHead,


Our sixth race takes place on Saturday, 14th November. This year’s event decides which club gets to win the second BaselHead Trophy, a Filippi racing eight. Registration is now open on; the race has already attracted the first entries from across Europe. Places are limited to 100 crews, so be sure to enter as soon as possible. After that, you still have until 23rd October to provide individual rowers’ names.  


We’ve kept our 6.4 km course through Basel – including the tricky full turn at halfway. We again expect some 10,000 spectators along the banks of the Rhine.
Training on the course on Friday
Crews arriving in Basel the day before the race have a unique chance to train on the actual course. This is possible only from midday to 2 p.m. on Friday 13th November. If you wish to use this opportunity, you must contact in advance.


Pooled transport to BaselHead
For crews from abroad, we help organize joint boat haulage. If you’re towing your own boats and would like to earn some money by taking other clubs’ equipment on the same trailer, please get in touch. We’d also like to hear from crews keen to use this service. Please send your offers or requests to We additionally subsidize clubs that organize pooled transport themselves. Our raceoffice will give you the terms and conditions, just send an email.


Make a cultural weekend of it!
As well as the sporting highlight on the water, Basel offers a wide range of cultural and other tourist attractions for a rewarding weekend. There’s the old town, for example, including the cathedral and other historic buildings like the Spalentor gate, as well as a host of architectural masterpieces. We also have numerous first-class museums. has details of these and many other sights, as well accommodation offers to suit every pocket.


For further information on the race, please visit


We greatly look forward to welcoming you here.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Trinational Regatta Association:
Sabine Horvath                                                Martin Steiger